In the context of a changing sea ice and wave climate, the build-up of ocean waves in ice-free parts of the Arctic seas and their impact on both the coastline and marginal ice zone gains growing attention. First indications for the possibility of wave exposure having an increasing tendency over the last few decades have emerged (Thomson et al.(2016)). Related sea state trends are governed by different factors including the timing and amount of ice retreat in summertime and the frequency and strength of wind forcing. In general, those trends are based on satellite climatology and model runs. Current efforts are undertaken to improve the representation of ice in sea state models, among others by means of observations, e.g. Zieger et al.(2015).
In recent years, several strong swell wave events in Arctic waters were recorded by in-situ measurements during ship campaigns (Collins et al.(2015)). Consistency checks with models were performed to interpret observations in Ardhuin et al.(2016). Moreover, case studies on swell wave events in the MIZ were conducted using SAR imagery from satellites (Schulz-Stellenfleth and Lehner(2002), Ardhuin et al.(2015), Gebhardt et al.(2016)).
During the ONR Sea State DRI Project a campaign was performed by the research vessel Sikuliaq and the interaction of sea state and sea ice in the MIZ was investigated. Several wave events including swell penetrating into the sea ice as well as wave build up in off ice wind fetch conditions were measured and at the same time imaged by Sentinel-1 SAR imagery .For the cruise report see Thomson(2015). Further information on the cruise support by TS-X satellite images can be found in Lehner and Gemmrich(2016).
Different sources of wavelength variability, both ice and non-ice related, were identified and the results were cross-checked with a model hindcast from ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts).
Thomson, J., Fan, Y., Stammerjohn, S., Stopa, J., Rogers, W. E., Girard-Ardhuin, F., Ardhuin, F., Shen, H., Perrie, W., Shen, H., Ackley, S., Babanin, A., Liu, Q., Guest, P., Maksym, T., Wadhams, P., Fairall, C., Persson, O., Doble, M., Graber, H., Lund, B., Squire, V., Gemmrich, J., Lehner, S., Holt, B., Meylan, M., Brozena, J., and Bidlot, J.-R.: Emerging trends in the sea state of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, Ocean Modelling, 105, 1-12,, 2016.
Zieger, S., Babanin, A. V., Rogers, W. E., and Young, I. R.: Observation-based source terms in the third-generation wave model WAVEWATCH, Ocean Modelling, 96, 2-25,, 2015.
Pleskachevsky, A., Rosenthal, W., and Lehner, S.: Meteo-marine parameters for highly variable environment in coastal regions from satellite radar images, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,, 2016
Gebhardt, C., Bidlot, J.-R., Gemmrich, J., Pleskachevsky. A., Lehner., S., and Rosenthal., W.: Wave observation in the marginal ice zone with the TerraSAR-X satellite, Ocean Dynamics, 66, 839-852, doi:10.1007/s10236-016-0957-8, 2016
Gemmrich, J., Pleskachevsky, A., Lehner, S., and Rogers, E.: Surface waves in arctic seas, observed from TerraSAR-X, 2015 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Milan, 2015, pp. 3615-3617, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2015.7326604, IEEE, 2015